TANGO SLK-04 Emulator (White)


System requirements:


System requirements:

Tango programmer

J2534 PassThru compliant OBD cable

SLK emulator corresponding to system type

Toyota maker software activation

SLK-0x software activation

Toyota TIS Techstream

Windows XP/7/8/10 PC/Laptop

Emulator SLK-04
– Supports work with
smart keys [
Page1 A9
]. SLK-04 supports emulation/cloning/image generation – functionality of the emulator requires activation of
additional software.
*** Please Note: This is a 3rd Party Programmer, We offer NO Support and NO Warranty. This item is very fragile and can be damaged from misuse, an inexperienced user and wrongful or too much pressure applied. If the tool malfunctions or breaks in the first 30 days of purchase, we will offer a discount on another SCORPIO programmer but we will not refund or replace the programmer***