Texas Instruments – Crypto 4D60 80-Bit Transponder Chip TP19 (OEM)


Use this TP19 chip for generating 4D60, 4D61, 4D62, 4D67, 4D68, Toyota G and others.


Use this TP19 chip for generating 4D60, 4D61, 4D62, 4D67, 4D68, Toyota G and others.

Found in transponders:

4D60 (uncoded blank):
NI01, NI02, KK7-PT, MIT8-PT, MIT9-PT

4D61 coded:
MIT12-PT, MIT13-PT, MIT14-PT, Y165-PT, Y162-PT

4D62 coded: SUB4-PT, DAT17T13

4D67 coded: TOY44D-PT, TOY44G-PT

4D68 coded: TOY50-PT

4D60 Coded for 80-Bit
Subaru G-Chip – SUB80

Please note: 4D60-80 bit chips need to be coded using Miraclone, Tango, Keytool, TMpro, CN900 or other tools to make it work.